
 【1. 鹹肉、臘肉、香腸的解藥:綠茶】
這些東西不僅美味,而且保存時間長,受到人們的喜愛。但這些含有大量鹽的食物,與豬肉中的物質長期醃在一起,產生亞硝胺, 進入人體後又會形成二甲基亞硝胺,是一種很強的致癌性物質。


 【2. 油條的解藥:豆漿】 


 【3. 酸菜的解藥:奇異果】
 酸菜是人們喜歡的一道菜餚。但是經過醃製後的酸菜,維生素C 已喪失殆盡;此外,酸菜中還含有較多的草酸和鈣,由於酸度高食用 後易被腸道吸收,在經腎臟排泄時極易在泌尿系統形成結石;而醃製後的食物,大多含有較多的亞硝酸鹽,與人體中胺類物質生成亞硝胺,是一種容易致癌的物質。

 多吃富含維生素的食物,可以阻斷強致癌物亞硝胺的合成,減少胃癌和食道癌的發生。而奇異果被稱之維生素C之王,一個奇異果基本可以滿足人體一天所需的維生素C 。

 【4. 火鍋的解藥:柚子】


 【5. 烤肉串的解藥:烤白薯】

 如果你在有一定衛生檢測標準的店鋪裏食用烤肉制品後,再吃上一個烤白薯,白薯中含有的大量纖維素,可以將烤肉中 的有害物質包裹起來排出體外,並能阻止烤肉中大量油脂被人體吸收 。

 【6. 皮蛋的解藥:豆腐】



 【享受簡單的 生活樂事 http://goo.gl/IhWdl】

"The cure for bad foods", "go to share, give you energy and good luck, allow more people to get help", "1. Bacon, ham, sausage cure: green tea, "these things are not only delicious, but long-term storage, liked by people.

 But these contain a lot of salt in food, together with the material long-cured pork, nitrosamines, after entering the body and dimethyl nitrosamine formation, is a highly carcinogenic substance. ✬ An antidote: green tea green tea reference substances that can be broken down to such hazards. Drinking a few cups of green tea a day can improve health.

 If it was hard to stand in salted fish, Bacon temptation, might as well in the cooking when cooking the meat, add more vinegar, you can make the decomposition of n-nitrosamines, yet delicious. "2. You Tiao antidote: soy milk "fritters are many breakfast choices, but most of you Tiao alum. Such inorganic compounds containing aluminium, could bear on the nerve cells of the brain damage after being absorbed, and difficult for the body to discharge the accumulated gradually.

 Permanent damage to the body are: memory loss, depression and irritability, severe can lead to "senile dementia" and other terrible diseases. ✬ An antidote: while soy milk if you're eating fried dough sticks, mix with milk, then I protected myself. Because the milk is rich in lecithin.

 For Alzheimer's patients taking certain doses of lecithin can so that their memory be sure for the better. "3. Sauerkraut antidote: kiwifruit "sauerkraut is a favorite dish.

 But after pickled Hou of sauerkraut, vitamin c has lost out; also, sauerkraut in the also contains more of oxalic acid and calcium, due to acidity high edible Hou easy was intestinal absorption, in by kidney excretion Shi very easy in urinary system formed stones; and pickled Hou of food, mostly contains more of Asia nitrate, and human in the amine class material generated Asia nitrate amine, is a easy carcinogenic of material. ✬ An antidote: Kiwi eat more foods rich in vitamin, can block a strong carcinogen nitrosamine synthesis, reduce the incidence of stomach and esophageal cancers.

 Kiwi is termed the King of vitamin c, a Kiwi can basically meet the body's daily requirement of vitamin c. "4. The cure for hot pot: yuzu "for those who are easily irritated, or recurrent aphthous ulcer who is worse. It will not only increase the symptoms, increased relapses and long-term repeated, also will develop esophageal cancer.

 In fact, besides easily irritated, the hot pot, and gout.

✬ An antidote: grapefruit if after eating greasy and spicy hot pot, eating a grapefruit, can contribute to nourishing yin to reduce body heat, invigorating the spleen and digestion. "5.

 Kebab antidote: kaobaishu "flavor bursts down the street, very attractive, regardless of how their meat is safe, is the meat over an open flame carbon contained more benzene than after the baking of pyrene, after entering the body and pose a cancer threat was enough to stomach.

✬ An antidote: kaobaishu if you have certain health inspection standards in the store after you eat grilled meats and eat the last kaobaishu, sweet potato contains large amounts of cellulose can be wrapped up harmful substances excreted in the barbecue, grease is absorbed in large quantities and can stop the barbecue. "6. Egg cure: tofu "many people often like to drink with preserved egg congee. Egg production, with a certain amount of lead.

 If you are eating too much lead, will lead to mental decline and damage the nervous system development, and cause abnormal hearing, phenomena such as reduced learning ability, especially children lead much less than adults and therefore more dangerous. ✬ An antidote: tofu egg tofu is a home-style dish, eaten quite scientific.

 Research has shown; cellulose in soybean products can inhibit the absorption of lead in food in the gastrointestinal tract and resistance of calcium ions which can also lead to help untangle the human intake of lead, helps reduce blood concentrations of metallic lead.
 Health articles for sharing information only (1) sickness to the hospital consulting, with the physician (2) Constitution is not the same as everyone, good food also requires appropriate moderation using WOW (3) community to remind people to focus on health, sharing health information, non-medical units "enjoy the simple pleasures of life http://goo.gl/IhWdl," my dear, as Zambia joined the fan club now! Create your life's small but daily happiness is easy! (Translated by Bing)

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